Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Root & Rebound! 

Analyzing RAP sheets and court records for record cleaning eligibility is the first step toward record cleaning. Record cleaning can open doors for Californians as they work to rebuild their lives after a conviction or arrest. A person with a cleaned-up record is better able to access employment (including upward mobility & living wage jobs), housing, occupational licensing, and remove other barriers; additionally, many people want to clean up their records for internal and personal reasons such as dignity and to affirm their self-worth.

Project Overview

Help with the first step in record cleaning by reading conviction histories and evaluating for record cleaning eligibility. 

Use your analytical skills to screen clients’ conviction histories for record cleaning remedies.  In this volunteer role, you will decipher complicated, technical documents such as court records and R.A.P. sheets (Records of Arrest and Prosecution) to determine which convictions they may be eligible to dismiss and when they will be eligible.

This project can be done from any place (where you can keep the information confidential) and anytime, and you can work at your own pace as you grow your comfort in reviewing these materials. Each RAP sheet takes between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the length of the record and your comfort level. You can take on a RAP (or multiple) as your schedule permits – we ask for RAP analyses back within 1 week of distribution.

Volunteer Qualities Sought

Previous experience reading criminal records (either court records or RAP sheets) is helpful, but not necessary. 

  • Attention to detail 
  • Ability to review government records and translate them into a chart (training provided)
  • Self-starter 
  • Commitment to second chances 
  • Timely responses and proactive communication
  • Confidentiality, as you will be reviewing people’s records of arrest & prosecution


Each RAP sheet takes between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on length of the record and your comfort level.  You can take on a RAP (or multiple) as your schedule permits – we ask for RAP analyses back within 1 week of distribution.

Training & Supervision

Before you will be sent a RAP sheet to evaluate, you must complete the training linked below and sign a confidentiality agreement. 

  • Watch our training video (58 minutes long).
  • Slides from the training are linked here
  • RAP sheet evaluation manual is linked here. The manual includes:
    • Frequently Asked questions 
    • Felony and Misdemeanor “Weird” lists
    • Drug Policy Aliance’s Prop 64 guide
    • Fictitious, annotated RAP sheet
    • RAP sheet summary (of the fictitious RAP sheet)
    • Common RAP acronyms
  • Record Cleaning Remedy Chart (orange chart from the training) linked here.

Supervision: You can email a Root & Rebound attorney directly to request feedback on the RAP analysis, or attend the monthly “office hours” (second Thursday of each month) to meet with a Root & Rebound attorney about any questions you have.