Luke Robins
Communications Associate
Oakland, California
Email Luke
Luke graduated from Vermont’s Middlebury College in May of 2023, with a degree in Film and Political Science. For the past couple years, he has worked with Addison County Restorative Justice Services in a variety of capacities including social media management and direct re-entry support.
He also works as an independent documentary filmmaker focusing on stories at the intersection of the environment and the criminal legal system.
Luke Robins
Communications Associate
Oakland, California
Email Luke
Luke graduated from Vermont’s Middlebury College in May of 2023, with a degree in Film and Political Science. For the past couple years, he has worked with Addison County Restorative Justice Services in a variety of capacities including social media management and direct re-entry support.
He also works as an independent documentary filmmaker focusing on stories at the intersection of the environment and the criminal legal system.
Why do you come to work at Root & Rebound every day?
All of my work is in service of living in just and joyful community. Through direct service and institutional reform, Root and Rebound creates individual and societal justice responding to personal, systemic, and historical injustices. I am so grateful to be a part of this work of resilient community-building every day.

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