Daniel Halpern
Senior Paralegal
Oakland, California
Email Daniel
Daniel is Root & Rebound’s Senior Paralegal. He brings to the Organization a “can-do” attitude gleaned from a background of diversity and life experience.
Adopted by Caucasian parents, Daniel was raised in Bloomington, Indiana in a mixed-race family with multiple adoptees. In his early teens his family relocated to Sunnyvale, and shortly thereafter, to El Cerrito. Daniel became an exceptional academic and accomplished in playing the trumpet. His trumpet playing allowed him to tour virtually the entire United States and several locations overseas before graduating high school.
Moving into adulthood, Daniel worked full-time at the San Jose City Attorney’s Office as both a Legal Secretary and Paralegal while getting married, having two children, and going to law school at night. He earned B.S.L. and J.D. degrees simultaneously and finished second in his class. For 15 years he owned and operated his own general-practice-area law firm, beginning in partnership with his Mother on a variety of Civil, Criminal, and Family Law cases. He earned accolades from San Jose Magazine as one of the “Best Family Law Lawyers in the Silicon Valley,” 9 of 10 years, from 1999 to 2009.
In 2012 Daniel became incarcerated and lost virtually everything he had built in his life. His journey back included many elements of the impacts of mass incarceration that Root & Rebound seeks to assist in the restoration of. He describes his hiring by Root & Rebound as a “life saving event” that came with a “feeling of coming home”. He is proud to be here, proud of all his life has taught him, and happy to share his experiences and the wisdom gained from them with all who are willing to listen.
Daniel spends his free time pursuing peace, harmony, and balance, through living healthily and enjoying as much time as possible with his children and grandchildren.
Daniel Halpern
Senior Paralegal
Oakland, California
Email Daniel
Daniel is Root & Rebound’s Senior Paralegal. He brings to the Organization a “can-do” attitude gleaned from a background of diversity and life experience.
Adopted by Caucasian parents, Daniel was raised in Bloomington, Indiana in a mixed-race family with multiple adoptees. In his early teens his family relocated to Sunnyvale, and shortly thereafter, to El Cerrito. Daniel became an exceptional academic and accomplished in playing the trumpet. His trumpet playing allowed him to tour virtually the entire United States and several locations overseas before graduating high school.
Moving into adulthood, Daniel worked full-time at the San Jose City Attorney’s Office as both a Legal Secretary and Paralegal while getting married, having two children, and going to law school at night. He earned B.S.L. and J.D. degrees simultaneously and finished second in his class. For 15 years he owned and operated his own general-practice-area law firm, beginning in partnership with his Mother on a variety of Civil, Criminal, and Family Law cases. He earned accolades from San Jose Magazine as one of the “Best Family Law Lawyers in the Silicon Valley,” 9 of 10 years, from 1999 to 2009.
In 2012 Daniel became incarcerated and lost virtually everything he had built in his life. His journey back included many elements of the impacts of mass incarceration that Root & Rebound seeks to assist in the restoration of. He describes his hiring by Root & Rebound as a “life saving event” that came with a “feeling of coming home”. He is proud to be here, proud of all his life has taught him, and happy to share his experiences and the wisdom gained from them with all who are willing to listen.
Daniel spends his free time pursuing peace, harmony, and balance, through living healthily and enjoying as much time as possible with his children and grandchildren.
Why do you come to work at Root & Rebound every day?
I understand deeply that people’s words, actions, and beliefs have far reaching impacts and implications. I have lived a blessed life and want to do whatever I can to assist in ensuring that each and every person I come in contact with has the opportunity to live their best life as well.

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